How Massage Can Help Your Man Thrive

Reduce stress, prevent injury, boost work performance

Although times have changed, many men are still the main provider for their families and may have high-stress or physically demanding jobs.  There is a continuing belief that men should be tough, suck it up and deal with these demands without complaint.

The good news is that more and more men are bucking those preconceptions (and women are supporting them) and doing more for themselves to stay healthy and avoid burnout. Many are turning to massage to reduce stress levels and enjoy an enhanced feeling of well-being.

What massage can do for men

Reduce effects of stress. The Touch Research Institute (TRI) of the Miami University School of Medicine has completed dozens of studies on the benefits of touch. One study showed biweekly massage reduced stress hormones and blood pressure in hypertensive adults. The participants also experienced less depression and hostility.

Heal or prevent on-the-job and sports injuries. Repetitive stress injuries are a problem for millions. The most common causes are enthusiastic participation in sports or jobs that require constant repetitive activity such as lifting or carrying, operating machinery, or keyboarding. These repetitive activities can result in muscle imbalances, for example one shoulder being much stronger and tighter than the other. These types of conditions can leave a person vulnerable to injury when these muscle groups are stressed or they can cause loss of blood flow and nerve impingement resulting in pain and loss of function.

For both on-the-job and athletic injuries, massage can reduce pain and help tissues heal by reducing swelling, releasing trapped nerves and increasing healing blood flow to the area. It can also relieve contracted muscles to help rebalance chronically overworked muscle groups and improve range of motion, making it easier to handle the demands of work or sport.

Perform better at work. Both table and chair massage (BodyWorks offers work place chair massage) offer a respite from stress and a boost to circulation, leaving body and mind relaxed and refreshed. Study after study has shown how massage improves mental focus and clarity.  Back on the job, a clear and balanced mind can produce better and faster work.

Relax and increase self-awareness. Chronically tense muscles can dull the awareness of pain and give the sense of being strong enough to “take it.” But constant tension causes fatigue and also blocks the flow of energy in the body and can restrict muscle function, which can lead to pain or even injury. Tense muscles can actually be a warning that your body — and perhaps your lifestyle — needs attention. Massage is one of the best ways to relieve tension, prevent pain and tune into the state of your body and mind.

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