“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book.
Write a good one.” – Brad Paisley
Christmas is past and the holidays are drawing to an end. It is time to say goodbye to another year and open to the dawn of a new beginning as we ring in the New Year. Another year over, a new one to begin!This is the perfect time to pause and reflect on the past and decide what needs to be left there.
Perhaps worry is an energy you hold onto. Everywhere you go there it is. Fear produces stress in our body and stress is a leading cause of illness. Choose to decide to stop worrying about things you cannot control.
Maybe there is someone who has hurt you. Are you holding on waiting for forgiveness from them before you forgive them? Isn’t it time to set down the burdens we carry and, instead, forgive others as we have been forgiven?
Some of us hold onto guilt which keeps us tied up in knots. We judge and criticize ourselves….I’m too heavy, too thin, too vulnerable, too harsh or too whatever. All of this drama keeps us from being present.
How would you like to join me in the New Year in be-ing?
This New Year let us let go of the past.Make peace with it all, love it and forgive it as it unfolded EXACTLY as it should have.
Let us sit and meditate that everything that is done is Perfect and in Divine Order.
Let us open to the New Year with joy and anticipation of a fresh start, a clean slate and
we will stand, ready to receive what comes.
Peace is not about being in a peaceful place. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “We have two choices, to peacefully coexist, or to destroy ourselves.” When we judge and criticize ourselves and others, we destroy peace. When we make another wrong, or see them as less than, we harm ourselves. When we continue make choices that destroy the planet we live on, we destroy ourselves.
Let us start this New Year with the firm intention of doing no harm. Using meditation and our breath, come to a place of presence and stillness.
Let us carry that through our day. No matter what happens “out there”, it does NOT disturb the peace “in here.” As Yogananda said, “Don’t complain, don’t explain and don’t compare.” When we don’t attach, we are at peace.
Our wish for you in the New Year is that
you live fully in joy of the present moment without attachment to the burdens of the past.
May you be blessed with good health. May you be happy always and in all ways. May you live life with ease and grace. May you be at peace each and every moment of every day.
Happy, Happy New Year!