Beat Holiday Stress – Six Tips to Help You Relax

The holidays bring the fun – and the pressure – of parties, family gatherings, and gift-giving. You may do too much, carry too many groceries and gifts, and worry about meeting everyday responsibilities and seasonal expectations. This can lead to aching shoulders, a stiff neck or low back pain, as well as sore arms and feet. Here are some tips for relaxation during this busy time.

  1. Avoid carrying a heavy bag on one shoulder only, which can lead to spasms in your shoulder and neck and throw off your posture, often resulting in back problems.

  2. Slow down, put your feet up, and breathe deeply, even if you can only relax for 15 minutes.

  3. Set boundaries. Remember you can’t do it all. Plan to only do the holiday activities you really enjoy. Even if it’s a creative task like making cards or baking cookies, if it feels like a burden, try to let it go.

  4. Remember to exercise. If it seems like too much to get to the gym or walk your usual circuit, meet a friend in a festive Women walking having fun in wintershopping area and walk an extra few blocks while you window shop. Or take the family or neighbor out on foot to see the holiday displays. Moving vigorously for at least 20 minutes can reduce tension and even help you sleep better.

  5. If you have children or grandchildren, remember the simplest things can sometimes mean the most to them and to the child in you. Read a favorite holiday story or join them in singing their favorite songs. For a little while, forget the plans and presents, and experience the precious moments.  

  6. Take an afternoon or evening to enjoy being rather than doing. Immerse yourself in a favorite activity for a few hours, whether that’s reading in front of the fireplace, strolling in the woods or through a museum, or getting a facial or pedicure.

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