At BodyWorks Healing Center, we are committed to providing you with a wellness sanctuary where you can safely relax, renew and de-stress.
Greetings and Blessings!
We hope this finds you and your family peaceful, happy and well!
The Governor has announced that massage and other personal service businesses can open June 15. Great news? Well, yes and no. The good news is, cases are down and things in the COVID world are stable so it seems safe to throw open all sectors of the economy. I am grateful. We miss our clients and our work family and can’t wait to reopen our business.
The challenging part is our industry is defining what it means to reopen safely and they are developing guidelines that we have to follow in order to provide a safe experience for you, our staff and our community. It’s not “Open the doors and business as usual.” Much of the Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and sanitizing agents that we are required to use are not even available. Please also note that there will be significant changes that will impact how we deliver services. We will go into greater detail when we have it all sorted out. We are definitely not ready to open for massage and bodywork sessions given we cannot get the basic supplies we need to feel confident about opening. Therefore, we are staying closed for at least the remainder of June.
That being said, Dr. Antonio Sieira is available for psychotherapy services beginning June 15 by appointment only. Please call the Center and leave a message and we will have him get back to you to schedule your appointment time.
In the meantime, we hope that you know that we are here for you if you need us. We continue to monitor the phones and return calls within 2 business days.
We are providing contact free pick up for your favorite products as you need them. Please leave a voice mail with the names of your favorite items, your name and call back number and we will be sure to get your order ready for you.
We thank you for your patience and understanding. Please watch our website and face book page for more details. We hope to see you very soon!
Blessings of peace, prosperity, and safety.
Pat and the Staff at BodyWorks