At BodyWorks Healing Center, we are committed to providing you with a wellness sanctuary where you can safely relax, renew and de-stress.
We miss you! We are sad that we have to continue to keep distanced and our doors closed in order to do our part to help slow the spread of this aggressive virus.
We will not consider reopening until at least June 1 and will make a determination, based on Government recommendations, later in May.
In the meantime, the staff and I are in communication, assessing the situation, and developing our strategy for keeping everyone safe when we do open the doors. It is a huge responsibility to insure that we think of every means to maintain the highest standards in our practices and protocols to insure your safety, that of our staff and our community. We need to accept the fact that life will be different going forward. We will be doing things differently and we will ask that you do things differently as well. We will provide detailed information closer to opening.
In the meantime, we hope that you know that we are here for you if you need us. We continue to monitor the phones and return calls within 2 business days.
We are providing contact free pick up for your favorite products as you need them. Please leave a voice mail with the names of your favorite items, your name and call back number and we will be sure to get your order ready for you.
We are in this together. We are connected and one. What you do affects me and what I do affects you. We thank you, our clients and our community, for continuing to join us by remaining at home, practicing amazing hygiene and social distancing. This short term inconvenience has huge benefits, not only for us and our community but also for global health.
Our wish is that, in this time of solitude, you discover simple joy, stillness and gratitude for the blessings in your life. We wish you and your family good health and happiness. We thank you for your continued loyalty. We are here to support you through this challenging time. Holding you in our hearts.
Blessings of peace, prosperity, and safety.
Pat and the Staff at BodyWorks