This time of year, I love to go the cider mill. Peace settles in as I bask in the warm sunshine while we enjoy walking the grounds while eating apples, cinnamon doughnuts and the best treat ever, apple cider! My adult son who now lives in the desert of NV recently came home for a friend’s wedding. On Sunday he asked if we could go the cider mill on our way to the airport. We had a great time! It brought back memories of the many visits we had when he was growing up.
You may not know it, but all apple farms do not make cider. In the west, you can get apple juice BUT they do not sell cider so all 3 of my kids out West really miss cider this time of year.
Apples are an amazing health food. They are loaded with phytochemicals that act as antioxidants. Antioxidants prevent or reduce oxidation that damage cell and tissue from free radicals in the body. The tannins in apple juice may reduce heart disease, help maintain healthy gums, and can prevent urinary tract infections. The flavonoid, Phloridzin, found in apples may help prevent bone loss associated with menopause.
Adding apples to your diet is known to help reduce cholesterol, and prevent heart disease. Eating apples also slows the body’s absorption of sugar which slows the release of insulin, and may promote weight loss. So, consider visiting your local cider mill this weekend and enjoy nature’s bounty and remember, an apple a day may just keep the doctor away!