Why soft muscles can still feel stuck?
Have you ever noticed that soft and relaxed muscles can still feel stuck? Something else is binding, limiting movement and flexibility and maybe even causing pain. This is likely due to tight fascia. Fascia is the tissue that surrounds and underlies the skin and muscles. It is the white membrane that you see in chicken and beef that separates muscles into groups.
When fascia is tight, you have to work extra hard to get the muscles to relax; therefore, when things don’t seem to be working for you in your normal massage session you should seek therapists trained in Myofascial Release Technique.
Myofascial Release is a mild but gentle hands on technique that primarily stretches the tissue underlying the skin and around muscles. This tissue is known as fascia.
Why Myofascial Release Is Important
Even relaxed muscles cannot return to their fully functional state if the fascia is tight. Muscle strength and range of motion can be adversely impacted. This is what makes Myofascial Release so effective. Because it relieves connective tissue restrictions all over the body, it is effective at promoting strength, flexibility, range of motion and proper postural alignment. Myofascial Release addresses chronic problems and reduces pain and emotional trauma. It is often used as the primary treatment when other methods do not prove effective; however, many of our therapists may use some Myofascial Release Techniques in your Massage Therapy session simply because it enhances your results.
Myofascial Release Gets to the Cause of Your Pain?
Tissue trauma is one of the primary causes of fascial restrictions but inflammatory responses, surgical procedures and repetitive strain can also create Myofascial Restrictions. These restrictions can produce pressures that can equal or exceed 1,000 pounds per square inch. This not only translates into pain for you but also a myriad of physical dysfunctions. The medical approach is to drug patients so they temporarily are free from pain, but this does nothing to get to the cause of the pain. Myofascial Release treats the entire Myofascial mind/body system and gets to the cause of the symptoms.
Myofascial Release When Other Therapies Do Not
Patients are often referred to for Myofascial Release when traditional therapy, medication, or surgery has failed to produce desired results. Myofascial Release is relatively new on the therapeutic menu of bodyworkers but is becoming more well known because of the magnitude of the results it produces!
Listed below are some of the conditions for which Myofascial Release is effective for: