We are delighted to offer this ancient but unique, powerful and effective sound healing experience.
For thousands of years, singing bowls have been used to induce a deep state of meditation and uplift the vibrational frequency of the body to a healthier state. The bowls create a wide variety of sounds, which when played, restore the body – mind – emotions to a normal, healthful vibration. The body, then begins resonating in harmony with the Universe. It is simply a delightful and powerful experience that must be felt to be understood.
Everyone who has tried this loves it and many have come back to do it again. We think you’ll love it too.
Click here to learn more about Tibetan Singing Bowl “Massage” Sessions or call us at 734-416-5200 to schedule a private session. Group Tibetan Bowl Bath events will also be available periodically. Click here to review our upcoming events or call us to find out when the next one is.