Did you know that practicing meditation daily can help your brain? The University of California studied the brains of people who meditated regularly compared to those who do not. The meditators had more grey matter in the brain than those who do not meditate. Why is this important? Grey matter is the tissue that helps Read More
Finding Peace In Times of Chaos
Imagine A World Imagine a world where no matter what is going on directly in your life or indirectly in the outside world, you are able to find your center and stay grounded. A world where you can find peace in times of chaos, drama and trauma. Imagine a world where such desires were realized. Control Read More
Stones To Support Solar Plexus Chakra
This month we will be discussing the Solar Plexus Chakra. The Sanskrit name is Manipura and means lustrous gem. This is fitting because this chakra wants us to shine our confident, powerful radiant light as the truth of who we are. The Solar Plexus Chakra is located two finger widths above the belly button. The Read More
Benefits of a Balanced Sacral Chakra: Sensuality, Creativity, Intimacy and Emotional Calm
This month we will be discussing the sacral chakra. The Sanskrit name is, Svadhisthana, which means, sweetness. The sacral chakra is located two finger widths below the belly button and is the center of our creativity and pleasure. It deals with our emotions, creativity, sensuality, movement, change, intimacy, socializing, connection and sexual relationships. The sacral Read More
Completions to New Beginnings, Crystals to Help Transition Trying Times
The year 2016 was a year of completion. In basic numerology you add all the numbers together until you get a single digit. Last year, 2016, adds up to a 9 (2+1+6=9). Since 9 is the number of completion, it makes sense why last year was tough for most people. All year we were letting Read More